Kogyae Strict Nature Reserve Agroforestry Buffer Zone
Project/Juridiction proponent
Name | Website | Location of headquarters | Organization type |
OKO Forest | Oko Forests (ghanacic.org) | Ghana | Private for profit |
Project/Juridiction Partners
Name | Website | Location of headquarters | Organization type |
Provision Power and Gas | ND | Ghana | Private for profit |
Bamboo for Integrated Development Ghana | ND | Ghana | NGO/private non for profit |
Biodiversity Heritage Associates | ND | Ghana | NGO/private non for profit |
Elevation Energy Group | ND | Ghana | Private for profit |
Forestry Commission of Ghana | ND | Ghana | Other - Local government |
Forestry Research Institute of Ghana | ND | Ghana | Research/academic institute |
Project characteristics
- Project status 2022Ongoing
- Project nameKogyae Strict Nature Reserve Agroforestry Buffer Zone
- Secondary nameOKO Forest Project
- CountryGhana
- Last IDRECCO update year2022
- Size (in hectare)386000
- Start yearND
- End year2036
- Duration20
- Project descriptionImplementation of a community managed landscape governance structure, bringing the people who live in Kogyae’s vicinity together to create an agroforestry buffer zone that will protect the reserve
- Objective 1Reduction of deforestation
- Objective 2Social development
- Objective 3Participatory forest management
- Deforestation driverscharcoal production | transient agriculture | cattle grazing | illegal logging | mining
- Type of forestND
- Project activityARR
- Project TypeARR
- Details for Afforestation/Reforestation activityAgroforestry
- Multiple locations?no
- Jurisdiction level 1Region: Ashanti
- Jurisdiction level 2District of Asokore Mampong
Carbon accounting
- Crediting period2016-2036
- Period to calculate annual carbon credits
- Annual carbon credits
- Total carbon creditsND
- Leakage is expected?ND
- Carbon pools includedAbove ground biomass
- Gasses includedCO2
- Reference period start yearND
- Reference period end yearND
- Carbon standard 1Planvivo
Carbon certification
- Carbon standard 1 ProgressIn process
- Carbon standard 1 Publication dateND
- Carbon standard 1 WeblinksProject Idea Note (PIN)
- Carbon standard 1 Expiry dateND
- Carbon standard 2none
- Carbon standard 2 ProgressND
- Carbon standard 2 Publication dateND
- Carbon standard 2 WeblinksND
- Carbon standard 2 Expiry dateND
- Carbon standard 3none
- Carbon standard 3 ProgressND
- Carbon standard 3 Publication dateND
- Carbon standard 3 WeblinksND
- Carbon standard 3 Expiry dateND
- Source of informationAll info based on PIN planvivo https://www.planvivo.org/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=e39eeef9-6dd5-4900-8bb5-b02d4640d8dc
Community level intervention
- Any monetary benefits?Yes
- Monetary benefit typeUnclear
- Monetary benefit detailconditional cash payment applies to landowner who rent their land | direct payment allocates to communities employ by the project e.g. worker in nursery etc
- Provides employment?Yes
- Are there non-cash benefits?Yes
- Economic activities - typeagroforestry | NTFP | processing and commercialization | tree planting
- Is there tenure clarification?Yes
- Is there environmental education?Yes
- Is there forest access restriction or control/monitoring of deforestation?Yes
- Is there forest enhancement?No
- Is there community infrastracture improvement?No
- Is there other community benefits?Yes